Gabon’s Oath-Taking Coup Leader: Is He Eyeing a Lifetime Supply of Power?

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  • Post last modified:September 7, 2023

Well, well, well, Gabon’s coup leader, General Brice Oligui Nguema, just had his moment in the spotlight. He took the oath of office, and the crowd went wild – or at least, as wild as a politically uncertain situation can get.

But here’s the kicker, folks: Oligui didn’t exactly spill the beans on how long he plans to enjoy his newfound power. It’s like hosting a party and forgetting to mention when the guests should go home. He did promise some free and transparent elections to bring back civilian rule, but he conveniently left out the part about when the party’s over. Apparently, there’s a new constitution in the works, and that has to be adopted by referendum before the confetti can fall.

Godbless Otubure, the founder of a pro-democracy group called Ready To Lead Africa, has some thoughts on this. He’s wondering if Oligui has a soft spot for power and might not be in a hurry to give it up. It’s like the world’s longest game of “pass the leadership.”

Now, if you’re thinking Gabon has a stellar history of democracy, well, not exactly. The Bongo family practically had a monarchy going for 56 years. So, when Oligui and his crew staged a political coup, it wasn’t just a plot twist – it was a political soap opera.

But here’s the punchline: Gabon’s military leaders aren’t rushing to embrace democracy again. They’ve seen the political dance floor before and are not eager for an encore. So, it’s a bit like they’re saying, “We’re taking a break from the democracy tango.”

And the global community? Well, they’re not exactly giving Gabon a standing ovation for this act. The United Nations and the African Union are watching closely, ready to serve sanctions if the constitutional order isn’t restored. It’s like they’re saying, “Let’s not make this a regular gig, folks.”

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